Aviso acerca del almacenamiento de fotos y notificaciones por correo electrónico

Almacenar tus fotos para permitir nuevos pedidos es parte de nuestro servicio y, por lo tanto, es una parte contractual de la creación de una cuenta de cliente.

Además, el envío de recordatorios o notificaciones por correo electrónico (por ejemplo, la información sobre el suministro de fotos o su eliminación) es parte de nuestro servicio y, por lo tanto, no se necesita una solicitud de consentimiento por separado.

Debido a que el envío de correos electrónicos se está discutiendo ampliamente en los medios de comunicación, hemos decidido solicitar el consentimiento adicional para nuevas cuentas de clientes. Si no deseas recibir más mensajes de nuestra parte, escríbenos un correo electrónico o haz clic en el enlace dentro de una notificación por correo electrónico para cancelar la suscripción.

Nuestra política de privacidad se puede encontrar aquí.

The following terms and conditions are integral to any order placed with Phil Harrison Photography and no variation, modification or this shall be effective unless accepted by Phil Harrison Photography in writing.

1-Copyright - The 1988 Copyright Act assigns the copyright to Phil Harrison Photography. Where a client purchases a digital file Phil Harrison Photography release the copyright to the client for non commercial use only. Clients may not copy or manipulate the images in any way (apart from cropping and converting to Black & White or Sepia. They may not re-edit them for commercial use or gain.

2. Orders - All orders will be processed within 5-10 working days of receipt.  This is due to Phil individually checking amd editing each and every order to make sure they look as good as possible.  

3- Force Majeure - The fulfilment of this order is subject to alteration or cancellation by Phil Harrison Photography owing to any case beyond their control.  In the unikely event of total photographic failure or fulfilmentof an order liability shall belimited to a full refund of allmonies paid.

4- Licence - The photographer shall be granted artistic license in relation to the photographs taken and the location used.  The photographers judgement, regarding location, lighting , posing and number of photographs taken shall be deemed correct by virtue of his experience.   

5- Digital Files - remain the property of Phil Harrison Photography - see copyright above.

6- Payments - Payments for photographs or digital files is to made at the time of ordering. No order will be placed or fulfilled without payment in full.

7- Photographs - All photograph sizes are nominal. Phil Harrison Photography will provide a pleasing colour balance based on the flesh tones of the subject.  There will be no cause for refund based on differing opinion on colour balance / skin tone.  If it is felt an image is not as it should be in these respects, the photographer will examine the images and provide a re-edited image if deemed necessary.

8- Prices - All services and goods are supplied at the prices ruling at the time of supply. We will endeavour to maintain all prices as listed.

9- Reorders - Reorders will be charged at prices in force at the time of ordering.

10 - Orders All personalised orders are final and are not refundable.  14 day distance selling rule does not apply to photo orders or personalised gifts.

11 - Damaged orders  - Orders that arrived damaged or incomplete need to be advised to us in writing within 48 hours of delivery.